"Fira Code Navbar Styling"

Language: CSS
Author: Kaiss Bouali
Comments: 0



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If the font family is not loading, there are several possible reasons why that might be happening. Here are a few things you can try:

1. Verify that you have correctly imported the Google Font link in your HTML file. Make sure that the link points to the correct URL and that it is placed in the correct location within your HTML file.

2. Check that the font family name matches the name specified by Google Fonts. In this case, you should have 'Fira Code' as the font family name. Verify that the name you specified is correct and that there are no spelling errors.

3. Check that your browser supports the font family you are trying to use. While most modern browsers support Google Fonts, there may be some older browsers that do not. Check your browser's documentation to see if it supports the particular font family you are trying to use.

4. If the font family is still not loading, try using a different font family to see if that resolves the issue. If a different font family works, there may be an issue with the particular font family you are trying to use.

5. Finally, if none of these solutions work, try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page. Sometimes, cached files can interfere with the loading of new assets like fonts.


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