"Django Login Failure Handling and Microsoft SSO Callback"

Language: Python
Author: Guest
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It seems like the code provided is not complete. However, based on the information you provided about encountering a "State Mismatch" error during the Microsoft SSO login process due to the csrf token mismatch, I can suggest a potential solution:

Since you are using Django, you should ensure that the `state` parameter in the Microsoft SSO callback matches the `state` parameter that was sent during the initial authentication request. This is to prevent CSRF attacks.

Here are a few steps to resolve the "State Mismatch" issue:

1. Create a unique `state` value when redirecting to the Microsoft SSO login page.
2. Store this `state` value in the user's session or database alongside a timestamp to verify its validity later.
3. When Microsoft SSO redirects back to your app, check if the returned `state` value matches the one you stored.
4. If the `state` values don't match or if the timestamp is too old, reject the callback request.

Implementing this state validation mechanism will help prevent CSRF attacks and resolve the "State Mismatch" error during the Microsoft SSO login process.

If you need further assistance with specific code implementation or have any other questions, feel free to share more details or ask for help.


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