"Unique Codes for Object Groups Connection"

Language: C++
Author: Jerry Obrian
Comments: 0



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In the provided code, the issue seems to be related to ensuring the uniqueness of the codes for each object. The current approach of assigning characters 'A' to the codes based on connections is a good start, but to ensure uniqueness, you need to handle collisions where a character is already assigned to another object.

Here is an approach you can follow:

1. Start by initializing a set to keep track of the characters already assigned to each position in the code.
2. For each connection [a, b], if we need to assign 'A' to both a and b at position pos, check if 'A' is already assigned to any other object at position pos.
3. If 'A' is already assigned to some other object at position pos, try assigning 'B' or 'C' at position pos for a or b. Ensure this new assignment is not conflicting with any other already assigned characters at that position.
4. Update the set of assigned characters for the current position accordingly.

You can implement this by modifying the existing code like this:

// Initialize a set to keep track of assigned characters at each position
vector> assigned_chars(M, set());

// Modify the assignment logic to handle uniqueness
for (const int b : groups)
for (int a = 1; a <= n; ++a)
if (connections.find({a, b}) == connections.end())

char assigned_char = 'A';
if (assigned_chars[pos].count('A') > 0)
assigned_char = (assigned_chars[pos].count('B') == 0) ? 'B' : 'C';

codes[a][pos] = assigned_char;
codes[b][pos] = assigned_char;

// Update the set of assigned characters for the current position

This modification will help in ensuring the uniqueness of the codes for each object while minimizing the characters used to create the required connections.


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