Blazor2024 Zoom Token Refresh Service

Language: C#
Author: Guest
Comments: 0



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It seems like the code snippet you provided is incomplete. The issue you are experiencing might be due to an incomplete code snippet that cuts off before the completion of the `var requestBody = n` line of code.

Here are a few common issues and solutions you could consider:

1. **Incomplete Code Block**:
- Ensure that the code snippet you have provided is complete and includes all the necessary parts for the `RefreshAccessTokenAsync` method.
- Check for syntax errors or missing parts that might have been truncated.

2. **Missing `using` Directives**:
- Make sure you have the necessary `using` directives at the top of your file. For example, `using System.Threading.Tasks;` is needed for the `Task` class if it's not already there in your full code.

3. **Invalid Token Expiry Comparision**:
- Double-check the token expiry comparison logic in the `IsTokenExpired` method as `DateTime.UtcNow >= token.ExpiresIn` may not be the correct way to compare expiry times.

Once you provide the complete code snippet or more details about your issue, I can further assist you in debugging it.


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